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60 million rendered frames!

  • March 29th, 2018

We are very proud to announce that 60,000,000 frames have been rendered on SheepIt Renderfarm!

Since everyone who is involved in SheepIt is doing it on their spare time, events like these are really heartwarming.
For the stats lover, here are some:
* 565 years 190 days of cumulated render time
* 134,500 projects created
* 900,000 user sessions created

Everyone who has their machine connected is the reason why we are motivated to keep working on Sheepit.

SheepIt is supported and monetized by donors and Google AdSense. Consider donating or just click on an ad you like, to give support!

We would also like to thank Jan who agreed to share his frame.

To thank everyone who has made this possible, a 2,000 points gift is given to anyone who renders a frame over the next few days (offer ends Thursday 5th 8PM UTC+0).

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