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SheepIt is a free distributed renderfarm for Blender. Try it now!


Instantly become a member to help other users render.
600 machines are connected on average.


Free registration.
Free project adding.
Free rendering.


Manage your project easily on a web based admin panel.
Real time updates on your projects.
Blender is not needed to help to render.

Render engines


Sheepit power


computed frames per hour
2h30m to complete all projects
How many months of rendering do we complete every day?


total frames rendered
776,124 computed projects

Latest news

Blender 4.1 is available!

Today, the Blender Foundation released the 4.1 version of Blender and it's already available on SheepIt Render Farm.This version brings a lot of cool...

Increase project size

Being an internet render farm, the question of data transfer is always delicate, that's why for long time we had to limit the project size to 500MB, ...

Goodies store

We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our brand-new Spreadshirt store.Don't miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your wardrobe with our ...

Help wanted!

To help SheepIt continue growing, we need some help. We want to add the SheepIt client to the Microsoft Store, but we have a technical issue. Our ...